5 tips for cycling at night


We have less and less time during the day to be able to go out on our bikes and train in the sun, whether it is because of work hours, studies or simply the fact of leading a very busy life that does not allow us to take the bike whenever you want. But in this case, you have to apply the phrase: “If you want, you can” and that’s when night falls, the most relaxing and peaceful moment of the day to be able to ride a bike, disconnect and enjoy his bike.

5 tips for safe cycling at night

1. Make yourself visible

The main disadvantage at night is the poor visibility it gives us. This is why it is very important to go out cycling at night to be equipped with lights and reflective elements to offer excellent visibility to all users traveling on public roads.

You need to have high-powered lights and good battery life in order to see where you are moving and alert other vehicles or pedestrians to your presence. You must use a front light and a rear light at all times, combining it with reflective elements either on the bike or on the equipment you use.

The front light should be white and its main function is to give you a good frontal field of vision so that you can clearly see the roads you are driving on and the various irregularities of the terrain so that you can move around safely . In addition, the headlight is also used to alert cars or people coming from the front. An important fact about headlights is that you need to be able to illuminate from a minimum distance of 200 meters to see everything properly in front of you.

A battery saving tip for the headlights is to alternate the power of the light during climbs , as you don’t need to see that far and this will help save battery and allow you to ride longer.

The rear lights must always be red and have the same importance as the front lights. They must be powerful and if possible with different lighting modes to make you visible with more or less intensity depending on the area in which you are driving.

It is advisable to always carry an external battery with you in case you run out of battery with one of the lights. You need to take into account how long you are going to be cycling to be able to properly manage the battery.

2. Use good equipment

Equipment for cycling at night should be the same as during the day but adding an inner layer , such as a thermal shirt, or a top layer such as a vest or jacket . You have to keep in mind that the night temperatures drop very quickly and that’s why the equipment has to be more important. Bundle up and grab an extra layer to carry in your jersey pockets or backpack so you can throw it on in case you get cold.

3. Plan your routes

Before going out to ride at night, it is important to plan the route, know the route and the approximate total time we will be on the bike. Considering these factors, it is just as important as cycling during the day. You must hydrate properly and eat to recharge your energy reserves and be able to enjoy the entire route.

Hydration is very important and can become less important when cycling at night, because it is not so hot and the temperatures are lower. It is essential to drink frequently and not to wait for the moment to drink because you are thirsty. Keep in mind a time to drink water, for example, taking a sip every 20 minutes will help you stay perfectly hydrated.

4. Drink hot beverages

Depending on what time you cycle at night, temperatures can be quite low and this can be a factor that influences you not being able to fully enjoy the routes or bike rides. In addition to properly gearing up and dressing warmly, a trick used by many professional runners to raise your body temperature and keep you warm is to carry hot drinks in your water bottle . Drinks such as teas or coffees are widely used, especially in very cold countries, to keep the body warm.

To do it correctly and keep the drink hot longer, it is practical to carry a thermal bottle to maintain the temperature of the liquid longer, especially if you are going on long journeys. Conventional canisters can also be used, but the liquid will cool quickly.

Another option is to carry a backpack and put the hot drink in a thermal container, such as the Look Mum No Hands glass or the 24-bottle stainless steel water bottles that maintain the temperature perfectly. All of these products are available on our Santafixie website .

5. Always be vigilant

Whether you are cycling at night or during the day, you must always be alert to be able to react to any dangerous situation and avoid getting scared. At night, this attention should be greater , since the visibility that you have and offer to other users is less. Also, at night, many animals come out and roam places they wouldn’t be during the day. Equipping yourself with a doorbell is a good option for alerting you to your position, because in addition to seeing you with your lights, you can also be heard.



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